The Lisa Maria Foundation carries out a number of projects with the aim of creating awareness, lobbying or educating professionals and the general public about the abuse and harm of children and how safeguarding can minimise these. Amongst our projects, are the ones listed below.
Some of these were shared on social media or distributed through schools to reach youth who pay be suffering whereas others target professionals and organisations with the aim of creating safer spaces for children and youth across Malta and Gozo. To find out more about our projects, you can see the write ups below.
Alpine House, Naxxar Road, San Gwann
FB - TheLisaMariaFoundation
Beneficiary: The Lisa Maria Foundation
Bank Name: Bank of Valletta plc
Account Number: 40022689883
IBAN Number: MT42VALL22013000000040022689883
Swift Code: VALLMTMT

Protect Me Campaign
This awareness campaign was a series of safeguarding messages which were shared on Facebook throughout 2023. Each post contained a strong safeguarding message targeting parents, members of organisations whilst also bearing in mind that children may also be reading them. The messages aimed to help adults to see abuse and harm from the child’s perspective and to understand how effective safeguarding can be when we regard it as a common responsibility.

Youth Awareness
These are a series of social media posts which aim at creating awareness amongst youth related to safeguarding. They encourage youth who may be struggling to confide in an adult they trust. These were created according to current trends in research which are areas of concerns for youth.

We Need To Know Campaign
If collectively we are going to take a stand against the harm and abuse of children … we need to know … the facts, so that together we can create safeguards to protect our children and youth. Through this campaign, The Lisa Maria Foundation shared quick facts from latest research to help everyone understand this reality and how these facts can be used to safeguard all children against harm. Safeguarding children and youth is everyone's responsibility.

Multi Agency Safeguarding Platform
The MSP is a new platform that is chaired by LMF and which brings together a number of professionals and stakeholders to discuss safeguarding barriers encountered. This platform collectively discuss possible solutions and involve relevant policy makers in order to lobby for changes at a national or organisational level.

World Children's Day 2024
This World Children’s Day, the foundation gifted every school in Malta and Gozo with a unique set of safeguarding posters. Every child and youth deserve to be protected against harm and abuse and every person working with them need to be given the right guidance and confidence to safeguard children. Some of these posters are designed for children’s areas and others for staff areas all aiming to give schools a proactive tool to enhance awareness and to contribute towards a culture of safeguarding. These posters communicate transparency, show how seriously the school consider safeguarding, give staff safeguarding tips and most importantly share the message with students that the school is promoting a safe space.

Pro-tect Workshops
These workshops take the subject of safeguarding to youth in schools and organisations. This project aims at amplifying the voice of youth by hearing their recommendations for the awareness of safeguarding and to include their suggestions for organisational and policy change in this regard. Pro-tect also provides a unique opportunity for youth to learn more about safeguarding musts.

Guide to Creating a Culture of Safeguarding within Organisations
In 2023, The Lisa Maria Foundation created a guide to help organisations to create a culture of safeguarding. This provides tips and considerations for the organisation to factor into their policies, procedures and every day running in the safeguarding. It reviews various elements of the organisation including recruitment, transparency, handling of complaints amongst others. If your organisation would like a copy of the Guide, feel free to contact us for a copy. The guide is also the basis of the training provided by LMF to learn how an organisation can brainstorm it with thei team and build safer spaces for children.

Safeguarding in Academia
In order to provide more of an emphasis on safeguarding during the formation of different professionals when they are still students, The Foundation has contacted a number of faculties and departments within Educational Institutions to offer lectures on the subject of safeguarding. This aims to instil the importance of safeguarding in professionals from their very foundation and alongside the importance of learning other aspects of the course.